Butch + Rocco: A Bonded Pair

Photographing dog siblings is a really special opportunity. Just like human siblings, dog siblings have their own language, their own complex relationship structure, and their own complicated kind of love. Some dogs get along perfectly with the other dogs in their family, and some just have a harder time. Whatever the situation, I love when clients commission me to photograph two dogs together.

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Pancake in the Snow

Pancake and I are on Cape Cod for a little time off, and to work on a personal project for a bit. This morning we woke up to an amazingly beautiful and fluffy snow storm. Big chunks of snow were falling and the ground already had about 4 inches! As a sensitive terrier, Pancake does NOT LIKE precipitation of ANY KIND at all - rain, snow, puddles, mist, fog, sprinklers, etc.

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Jesse FreidinComment
Patience is a Virtue (especially when photographing dogs)

I just read an article online about a man who spent 6 years - that's 4,200 hours and 720,000 frames- photographing the same Kingfisher bird hunting it's prey in the wild. Now, that does sound a bit extreme, I agree. 6 years?! 720,000 attempts?! You'd think that after the first year or so he'd just give up, or realize maybe he needs to learn a bit more about nature photography.

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Jesse FreidinComment
Artists Turn Back to the Work

Though the work I create for my clients is always deeply personal and emotional, I rarely put myself in front of the lens or open up about what matters truly to me as an individual. Yet as I finally claw my way out of what has been a very dark and frightening past week, one thing has become clear to me - artists always return to the work.

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