Jesse Freidin Photographer

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From the Archives: Day 10

From the Archives Day 10: Black and white Polaroid film was so beautiful - contrasty, but with rich tones. I remember being in college and being able to just saunter in to our lovely local camera shop on the corner and buy as much fresh Polaroid film as I desired. Those days are long gone. This is an image I made in college at our local favorite Western Mass swimming hole, the Chesterfield Gorge. We'd hike off the trail, scramble down some rocks and walk along the rocky river to this perfect spot. As always, I'd spend more time with my camera photographing friends than actually swimming. There is a choppiness to the water, a natural swirl, that lets me remember the physicality of this moment. Warm rocks, humid summer air, backpacks full of beer and cigarettes and a feeling of total freedom. If you know about Western Mass, you know about the beauty of swimming holes.