Jesse Freidin Photographer

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Dog Photography Exhibit at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter and Humane Society

I just put up a small fine art dog photography exhibit at my favorite home town shelter, the Santa Fe Animal Shelter and Humane Society. Now that my dog photography studio and home are both based in beautiful Santa Fe, I’ve been getting involved in a handful of non-profits that I personally believe in and of course the Santa Fe Animal Shelter was at the top of my list. They recently achieved “no-kill” status even amidst the enormous influx of animals they receive from not only the Santa Fe area, but many other areas of New Mexico that don’t have the great resources and funding we have here. They even receive transport from areas like the South where homeless animals are in desperate need of care and protection.

Dog Photography in Santa Fe Animal Shelter by Jesse Freidin Photographer

The exhibit greets people as they head into the “dog side” of the beautiful shelter. As with any installation, my hope was to bring a lightness and a sense of joy to the shelter space - though the Santa Fe Animal Shelter hardly needs it, it’s such a bright and happy place. The four large matted, signed and framed black and white dog portraits also elevate the space a bit - Santa Fe is overflowing with amazing fine artists of all mediums, and art creeps into all sectors of our society and city. Bringing that sense of creativity and professional presentation into the animal shelter bridges the gap a bit between the reality of a homeless animal’s past life, and the comfort and love their futures hold. So many of my clients are incredible art collectors, and many of them are also incredible animal collectors (adopters, supporters, etc). I love getting to bring those worlds together in a beautiful and inspiring way - and I think this year-long exhibit at the Santa Fe Animal Shelter does just that.

Photo Credit: Murad Kirdar

Dog Photography in Santa Fe Animal Shelter by Jesse Freidin Photographer

For the entire year of 2019, I’m offering all adopters, donors, staff and friends of the Santa Fe Animal Shelter:

25% off their Fine Art Dog Photography Session. Or, I’ll donate 25% to the shelter in their name!