Jesse Freidin Photographer

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A Visit to the BADRAP Barn's Puppies

BADRAP pitbull puppy

Im lucky enough to know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows some puppies. Well, really I just am lucky enough to know the super smart and kind people up at the BADRAP barn in Oakland, CA and when I'm in town I always try to get out there to help out a bit, pet some dogs, take some pictures, and have a beer around the campfire. When I visited the other week the litter of four puppies (pit/mastiff mix??- we've all got our theories on what those roll polly sweet little blobs are) that have been living at the barn for the past few months were nearing the end of their stay. So, of course, I got to spend a few days playing with them, loving on them, helping clean up after them, and wondering how anyone could ever survive taking care of more than one puppy at at time. It's so hard! Thankfully, the puppies- just like all the dogs at the BADRAP barn- have tons of outdoor space to romp around in and lots of other grown up dogs to teach them their manners. There isn't much cuter than a fat, well trained, soft playful pitbull puppy, I'll tell ya that much. Below are some adorable photos of adorable dogs.

BADRAP puppies

BADRAP puppy

BADRAP puppy