Jesse Freidin Photographer

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It's the day before the day before the onslaught. All is quiet. The groceries have been purchased. The house cleaned. The dog fed. But in 48 hrs family will be descending and there will be a lot of hustle and bustle in all directions. So, to celebrate this quick calm before the storm, I thought I'd browse through a very special photography series I did for my good friends at Dog Art Today. Last year, Dog Art Today comissioned me to put together a series of images celebrating Thanksgiving, and of course what did  I do? Put my dog in a roasting pan. What did you expect?

thanksgiving dog photo

It's a good thing that carrots are Pancake's favorite food. He puts up with so much.

Thanksgiving dog photo

Tiny squash are so fun to photograph. They're just the perfect size for a Boston Terrier.

Thankgiving dog photo

To compensate Pancake for all his troubles, I of course bought him a new squeeky toy. This turkey is insanely loud. And apparantly the perfect toy for late night squeek fests (to our neighbor's chagrin).

Thanksgiving dog photo

Here's hoping you and your loved ones (both 2 and 4 legged) have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving.

In my family, it is a tradition that we go around the table and say what we are thankful for. This has been an incredible year full of creativity, new connections, new friends, new dogs, and lots of accomplishments. I am thankful for my amazing network of fans and clients, friends and family, the beauty and emotion dogs bring to my life, my darkroom, my wonderful studio and everyone who is a part of that, my incredible assistant and publicist, the friends who keep me grounded, and my steadfast sidekick, Pancake- the best dog a dog photog could ever want for.

Don't forget to share pics of your fun weekend on Facebook!