"I’ve been volunteering since I was four. I’m 10 now. 

I volunteer because I really like dogs — they’re just so adorable. I like to take care of them. It makes me feel like I’m a hero to the dogs because I’m helping them. I’m feeding them, and I’m giving them walks and water, and taking care of them so they can be healthy and they can get adopted. 

I think I’ve learned that dogs can be different, like humans, and they can be alike, like humans. Some dogs don’t like the heat, like people do, and some dogs like the heat. Or they might not like the cold, and some people don’t like the cold. They practically eat the same food as we do, but theirs is not cooked, and it’s ground up. Our food is just cooked and whole. They have to take almost the same kind of medicine as we do, because they can get colds too. They can even get cancer, like humans do. I think I’ll be working with dogs forever, just because I love them. They’re just beautiful to me. Being with them is just a beautiful thing to me."